Keeping your shoes stored properly not only saves space but also ensures your shoes will stay looking their best. There’s a very simple technique to keeping your shoes boxed properly, which we’ll demonstrate here. It might sound ridiculous but people get this wrong all the time.
For this demonstration we chose a pair of Edward Green Claverton’s in Dark Oak. Not all manufacturers use the same materials inside the box but the same steps apply for any pair. Edward Green happens to package their shoes very nicely. They use excellent packing materials and make a very good solid box.
The key is to lay the shoes in opposite directions, the first shoe with the arch facing down and the second facing up; that’s the way the boxes are designed to fit the shoes.
Lay open the covering.
Left shoe with arch facing down.
Cover the shoe.
Add protective padding if applicable.
Lay right shoe in the opposite direction with arch up
Cover again.
Lay Dust Bags on top.
Edward Green care guide on top of that.
And close the lid.
Of course not all shoes have cloth coverings and padding but almost all shoes have paper to layer between the shoes. Shoe trees can be kept in the shoes as well and if you don’t have cloth or paper to lay between the shoes keep them in the dust bags but lay them in the box the same way. It’s that simple….